Welcome to The Nuyorican Poets Café,
a cultural icon on New York’s Lower East Side since 1973.


**On October 31st, 2023, the Nuyorican Poets Cafe celebrated its 50th anniversary and closed its doors to begin off-site programming.**

Then, on November 1st, 2023, we closed our iconic doors for a $24 million, 3-year building renovation project -- called the "Nuyoricanstruction" phase -- ushering us into the next 50 years. Our Open Mics, Poetry Slams, Grand Slams, Music Programs and Educational Programs are now taking place in various venues around the Lower East Side and NYC in-person as well as online via the Internet. Check out our Full Events Calendar for information and tickets.

Help us keep poetry, jazz, Hip-hop, and theater alive on the lower east side

“The NUYOrican poets Cafe is the most integrated place on the planet”
– Allen Ginsberg

** The Nuyorican presents groundbreaking works of literature, music, theater, performance art, poetry slam, Hip-Hop, visual art and champions established as well as rising artists from every background imaginable for ALL AGES. To find out more about the Cafe, see our Program pages, check out our events calendar and come on down to the biggest little stage on earth. **

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Special Thanks

We'd like to thank the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State Council on the Arts, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, the Amazon Literary Partnership, the Academy of American Poets, The Tonight Show, Lift Every Vote, the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation, the Hispanic Federation, the Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation, The Literary Arts Emergency Fund, the Radio Drama Network and the New York Community Trust’s COVID-19 Response Fund for helping us to provide free online programming.

Please help support our efforts with a tax-deductible donation, by visiting www.nuyorican.org/contribute