Board of Directors

Board Chair: Rome Neal

Board Secretary: Sonia Lopez

Board Members:

John Howard-Algarín

Daniel Gallant

Amy Sultan


Caridad De La Luz
Executive Director & Chief of Staff


Nilo Mota, Accountant/Bookkeeper

Claudia Alvarez-Plaud, Program Manager, Education Lead

Jasmine Gonzalez, Program + Operations Assistant

Ron M. Trenkler-Thomson, Program + Operations Assistant, Tech Lead

Paul James Abreu II, Program + Media Assistant


Paul con Queso | Matthew Marroquín

Jose Echevarria | Emily Rosado | Brian Acosta Arya


Tony McPherson | Final Friday Slam at PRTT & Beatnix on the Road

JRose | Nuyorican Bowery Slam

Luna Rósa | Nuyorican Bowery Slam & DJ, Final Friday Slam

Solpreme | Nuyorican Open Mic at the Loisaida Center

Felicia Cade | Womxn Orator Wednesday at the Loisaida Center & Nuyorican x ICP Open Mic

Elemen2al | The Online Open Mic